lördag 31 december 2011

new year, new music

when rain is lashing down to the streets:

Moshimoss - Slow Days It Was Super

at the same time with Haruki Murakami's book:

Sóley - Pretty Face

on the dark streets in the middle of the night:

Félperc - The Sound of Your Heartbeat

some zest for a vapid Monday:

Let's Buy Happiness - Fast fast

while sitting in an underground on the way back home or to school / work:

The Sweet Serenades - Die Young

on Tuesday when you are the only one who wants to party:

Siriusmo - Sirimande

quote #1

There's a world out there and I wanna be in it
I got a life and I'm gonna live it
Don't tell me the sky's the limit
There's footprints on the moon
I wanna do my walkin' down the road less traveled
Sew my dreams where they won't unravel
If you play it safe you won't get nowhere
I can't stay in here when there's a world out there
Brandt Paul: There's A World Out There


Kun villasukat ja kirjakasat eivät enää riitä, kun hennon pitsikoristeiset vaatteet, gin&tonic limepalalla ja öiset kadut, huurteiset metrojen ikkunat, bassonjytke ja särkevät lihakset houkuttavat enemmän.

Kun unelmien eteen on aika tehdä jotain.

~ Mitt gamla liv var inte tillräckligt längre. ~